Inside Knee Pain Explained: What It Means and 3 Things You Should Do

Inside knee pain can be frustrating, whether it’s from a sudden injury or ongoing discomfort. This type of pain may seem minor, but it can significantly impact your ability to move and function. Understanding the potential causes and knowing what to do next can help you get back to pain-free movement.

What Causes Inside Knee Pain?

Inside knee pain, also known as medial knee pain, is typically felt on the inner side of the knee joint. It can be caused by several different factors, including:

  1. Meniscus Tear: The meniscus is a cushion between your knee bones. Tearing it can cause sharp pain and swelling, especially when turning or twisting your knee.
  2. Ligament Strain or Injury: The medial collateral ligament (MCL) runs along the inner part of your knee. A strain or injury to the MCL can cause inner knee pain, especially if you’ve recently experienced a fall or accident.
  3. Arthritis: Over time, wear and tear on the knee can lead to arthritis, which can cause chronic pain on the inner side of the knee.

Other factors like overuse, muscle imbalances, or even flat feet can also contribute to pain. Knowing the cause is key to finding the right treatment.

What Inside Knee Pain Could Mean for Your Health

Ignoring inside knee pain can lead to bigger issues over time. For example, a meniscus tear left untreated may worsen, and untreated arthritis can reduce your range of motion, leading to further joint degeneration. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for preventing long-term damage and maintaining your mobility.

If you experience persistent knee pain or swelling that doesn’t improve with rest, it’s time to seek professional help. Knee pain can often be managed with proper care, and non-surgical treatments can relieve your symptoms while strengthening the knee.

3 Things You Should Do for Inside Knee Pain

If you’re experiencing inside knee pain, here are three things you should do right away:

1. Get an Accurate Diagnosis

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to identify the root cause of your knee pain. Chiropractors and medical professionals, like those at BackFit Health + Spine, specialize in diagnosing and treating knee issues. Getting a proper diagnosis will help you choose the right treatment plan and avoid unnecessary complications.

2. Consider Chiropractic Care and Exercise Therapy

Chiropractic care is an effective, non-surgical option for knee pain treatment. Chiropractors can perform adjustments to improve knee alignment and relieve pressure on the joint. At BackFit, we offer customized exercise therapy and physical medicine treatments that strengthen the muscles around the knee, improve flexibility, and support overall joint health. This holistic approach helps reduce pain while preventing future injuries.

3. Follow a Personalized Rehabilitation Program

After diagnosis and initial treatment, it’s essential to follow through with rehabilitation. Your chiropractor or healthcare provider can recommend specific exercises to strengthen your knee and support healing. Avoid high-impact activities during recovery, but incorporate stretching and strengthening movements to prevent further strain on the joint.

Final Thoughts on Inside Knee Pain

Inside knee pain doesn’t have to disrupt your life. By seeking professional care, considering chiropractic and exercise therapy, and committing to rehabilitation, you can relieve pain and regain full mobility. At BackFit Health + Spine, we specialize in non-surgical solutions for knee pain and are here to help you feel better.

If you’re suffering from knee issues, don’t wait. Contact us today for a consultation!

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