How Healthy Are People Living in Phoenix, AZ?

Phoenix, AZ, offers a unique setting for those wanting to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Its sunnier climate is conducive to outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, and swimming, which can contribute to physical exercise. This, combined with the increased number of health-conscious restaurants and farmers markets in Phoenix, provides access to healthier food options.

Yet residents battle high summer temperatures that discourage them from exercising outside. People may prefer to stay indoors, taking advantage of air-conditioning. This option can mean sitting around more, which can contribute to obesity rates in Arizona. In addition, the urban sprawl of Phoenix can make it difficult to find walkable neighborhoods, further complicating efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Phoenix, AZ, Resident Health Outlook

The Center for the Future of Arizona has projected a positive outlook for Phoenix residents. The city’s residents enjoy a generally good health outlook. They live in healthy communities and have access to affordable healthcare resources.

Here are some wellness markers to consider:

  • Obesity: Obesity rates by county are lower compared to the national average. The obesity meter in Arizona reaches 31.3% for the state compared to 33.9% for the entire country.
  • Physical Activity: Phoenix residents tend to spend more time outdoors, around 25.5% of the time in a day, compared to 22.8% on the national level. They also tend to exercise more, around 55.2%, than the rest of the country, around 53.4%.
  • Particulate Matter 10: Phoenix’s pollution levels are also more favorable compared to the rest of the country. The city exceeds the Protection Area Standard for Maximum Pollutant Concentrations for only 10 days.
  • Access to Healthcare: More Phoenix residents, 28.8%, have access to primary healthcare than the rest of the nation, 22.4%.

Now, even with the positive outlook for Phoenix residents, you should still expect some challenges, especially when considering the obesity rates by county. The Arizona Department of Health Services reported that 29.5% of the state’s residents are obese when checked against the obesity meter.

Health Challenges

Phoenix, AZ, is one of the places where residents have trouble keeping in good health. A major problem is the exorbitant price of healthcare. This was significantly higher than the national average of 10.7 percent—with 14.6 Percent reporting in all cases that they had not sought needed medical treatment because of costs, according to the report. As time goes on, these untreated conditions can deteriorate health.

Another challenge is primary care access. In Phoenix, 28.8% of adults have no PCP (22.4%). This could lead to being diagnosed later than appropriate or inadequate treatment of chronic diseases. Some issues, like the rising obesity rates in Arizona, are a cause for concern among citizens and healthcare providers.

The climate conditions in Phoenix can also pose health risks for the city’s residents, making them more susceptible to strokes and cerebrovascular disease. These conditions also increase their risk for heart attacks and heart disease. Some residents also live sedentary lifestyles, which contributes to these health conditions.

Living Healthy in Phoenix

Phoenix residents can overcome these challenges by maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Since healthcare resources are readily available, you can leverage these services to monitor and manage your health properly.

Incorporating these tips and resources will also help:

  • Indoor Fitness: Joining a local gym is one way to live an active lifestyle while enjoying a climate-controlled environment. While in a fitness center, consider activities like yoga, Pilates, weight training, martial arts, and indoor swimming. These activities allow you to stay fit without braving the heat of Arizona’s climate.
  • Outdoor Activities: Phoenix has numerous parks and trails, including Camelback Mountain and South Mountain Park. Take advantage of cooler times of the day and go outdoors. There are plenty of opportunities for hiking and cycling in the city, allowing you to take in the scenic routes and appreciate nature’s beauty.
  • Community Sports: Phoenix hosts plenty of community events and sports activities. These allow you to get involved in community sports leagues or fitness classes to stay active and socialize. Engaging in group activities such as dance classes and recreational sports can add variety to your fitness routine.
  • Healthy Food Options: Even though Phoenix is famous for its Chimichangas, Sonoran Hot Dogs, and Mexican cuisine, the city also offers plenty of healthy food options. Try out their Farm-to-Table fare, Green Chili stews, and other healthy food options.
  • Climate Considerations: The Arizona sun is notorious for providing hot weather, with a few summer days reaching the mid-90s°F. Remember to apply sunscreen when you go out into the heat and stay hydrated.
  • Mental Healthcare: Arizonans have access to a range of mental healthcare opportunities, including telehealth services, community mental health centers, support groups, and wellness programs to promote mental well-being.

Staying active is key to reducing obesity rates in Arizona and improving the quality of life of the city’s residents. With proper guidance from health experts, fitness goals can be achieved with a balanced meal plan and other healthy lifestyle choices.

Additional Health Tips for Arizonans

  • Schedule regular visits with a primary care physician, even if you feel healthy.
  • Take advantage of preventive screenings and vaccinations.
  • Keep a well-stocked emergency kit with water, non-perishable food, and first-aid supplies.
  • Have a plan in place for extreme weather events and power outages.
  • Be aware of local health resources and clinics that offer affordable care.
  • Engage in activities that promote mental well-being, such as meditation or hobbies.

Expert Health Guidance for Arizonans from Medical Experts

BackFit Health + Spine’s medical professionals provide healthcare solutions customized to your specific needs. Our team uses an integrated approach to improve your health and quality of life. Fill out our online contact form and make an appointment today.

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