6 Core strength Exercises for Home
Here are some exercises for at home to strengthen your core muscles.
Each of these exercises can be done any number of sets for any number of reps, but we recommend working up to 4 sets of 20 reps.
Be sure to rest 45 seconds between sets.
All of these exercises can be seen in the video at the bottom of this page.
1. Modified Plank
Target: the core
Knees are bent, core is tight, elbows under shoulders, hips are level and hold this position for 20-30 seconds.
2. Plank
Target: the core
Stack elbows under the shoulders, hips are level and hold.
3. Modified side plank
Target: core
Extend legs to the side, elbow under shoulder, keep hips high and hold.
4. Side Plank
Target: Core
legs extended, hips in alignment with shoulder and feet, elbows under shoulders, raise hips and hold.
5. Reverse Crunch
Target: Lower abs
extend legs up towards the ceiling, in a controlled movement raise the bottoms of your feet up, limiting rocking of your legs and control back to the floor.
6. Suitcases
Target: core
knees bent and up off the floor, back off of the ground, extend both legs and upper body away from each other then perform a crunch and repeat.
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